Saturday, June 30, 2012

Recording Salon results online


We are now in a position where our members can capture their salon results online and much easier than before.  This new method has the advantage that it reduces the admin burden associated with salon administration of club members and will also provide club members with a detailed record of their salon results.

This document will show step by step instructions how to capture salon results once they were emailed to the member.  It is important to note that although this is an online process, it must still be authorized by a third party before the points will be allocated and the data will be recorded in the member totals.

There are a number of benefits and technical aspects associated with the processing of salons, which members are welcome to explore, but this instruction document aims to keep it simple in an attempt to make members comfortable with the online registration procedure.

To assist us, please do not register salon awards that were submitted by the older spread sheet method as this may result in duplicates on the system.  Members can however register all their photos that did not get any awards.  This will allow members to keep track of all the salon history even if a photo was not accepted, this is up to each member to decide for himself.

Quick Start

Members familiar with the web site will be able to enter their salon photos very quickly online.  Consider to even include the photos that were not accepted to build a detailed history of each photo.  Open the web site and follow the following steps:

  1. Log on to the “Member Area” from the “Member Login” button.
  2. Open the “Photo History” page on the top menu.
  3. Select “Edit Salon Photos” that will open the window with all the salon options.
  4. Select the Salon from the drop down box and press “Salon Maintenance”
  5. You can now add the photos one by one for this Salon, check that you enter all the required fields.
  6. If you make a mistake, select the delete button next to the photo and enter it again.

For more detail instructions read below.

Step by Step

This is the ideal opportunity for members that never logged on to their personal data on our web site. It is a very simple process and all you need to know is your Emma registration number.


Step 1: Log on to your personal data.

Open our web site: or Click here.  You will see the window below and must now select the “Member Login” Button which will open the login page.  Enter the Emma number.  This number starts with “0402” and you must enter the first “0”.  If you never changed your password, the default “cccpassword”


Step02aYou can also request that a password must be sent to you by entering your Emma number in the space provided below the login field.  Your password will be emailed to you, using the email address provided in Emma.  Emails sent from the web, might sometimes end up in your junk mail folder or spam folder.  Remember to check these folders for the emails.  If this happens, please mark emails from centurioncameraclub as safe to avoid you missing other important emails.

Step 2: Open the history

When you have sucessfully logged on, the web page will open with a summary of the member information.  While you are here, please check what is available and update your information.  Did you notice your club ranking?  This is a fun calculation, using your year total points to rate your position in the club.

The next step is to move to the Photo History page from where you can start loading salon photos.Step03

Step04Select Photo History button shown above.  You can take a look at the history available on this page.  You can view photos entered in the club competitions as well as the salon photos already on the system.

To add or maintain photos in your database, select the “Edit Salon Photos” button as displayed on the top right of the page.

Step 3: Select the Salon


This will open the salon selection page.  You must select the salon that you want to work with followed by the “Salon Maintenance” button.  By default the salons of the last year will be displayed in the dropdown list, but you can change this by changing the “Salon Year Filter”.

Step 4: Adding a photo

You will now be on the window where the salon photos can be added. Take care when entering the title, as this is the only key we have to identify duplicates and show you how many times a photo was used.
Once all the fields are correctly entered, select the “Add Photo” button.  This will load the photo, awaiting authorization. The next sample below shows how to enter a photo which was not accepted on the salon, but is only recorded for your own records.Step06a 
As photos are added to a salon, they will be displayed on the web page.Step07
Note the entry has a “Del” or delete button to delete the photo and add it again if you have made a mistake.  Step08All the information provided will be displayed as well as the number of times this photo has been used and the number of awards received.

To select another salon for maintenance select the “Edit Salon Photos” button on the top right and you will be able to select another salon and repeat the steps above.



Step 6: Viewing the data

Return to the “Photo History” page as shown above.Step10
Select the Salon radio button and then “Refresh List”  This will display a comprehensive list with all the information available in the database.
Note that this photo is not yet authorized and therefore the club points as shown in brackets, is zero.  Once this has been authorized, the zero will change to (3).

The End

Please use the system to improve your own records as well.  Load you data and verify the information, as there might be errors on the conversion between the systems.  Please use the form on the “Contact Us” web page and send any comments for the attention of “Points” .

I trust it will make your life easier and give you more time to take photos.

Bernard Richard

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